
Musings of an Obsessed Jeweler and Former Mermaid

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Yes, I confess, I am a beadaholic! Sigh, I feel a little better now that I got that off my chest. The reason I confessed? I will be off to the Beadfest this Friday!! Beadfest, my dream come true. Where I am with "people like me". Where I can get ohhs and ahhs when I show my treasures around the lunch table to complete strangers and I will not feel bad for buying that extra 10 strands of beads I really did not need, but had to have because they are shiny. Beadfest, where everywhere you look there are jewelry things and deals and people making pretties and ohhhh, I do love it there! It is in Phila, so it is a little trek. But I take that hour ride to make a plan. With two packed floors, you need a general plan. Oh yeah! I am excited. Yahhoooooo More when I get back!